
Unreal Tournament 99 - `Triad X UT Frag Movie

2017-04-05 2 Dailymotion

Created back in 2003.

Nostolgic Value for the first multiplayer game I played back in 1999 when I first got internet access via Dial-Up 14.4k modem :)

The project was initially started in January as I began gathering clips, but due to lack of motivation I had produced the movie piece by piece in a half-assed way. Technically, all the content was done around about June/July but didn't have an Intro or Outro. Due to the fact that this project was absorbing 20+ Gigs of Hard Drive space, I decided to quickly finish this ASAP so I could free up my hard drive...and so here it is.

All clan match demo's are archived somewhere :/. FFA ones were deleted to save space.

Personally, I believe this is a pile of wank...but then again, I've seen worse...hopefully, you won't hate it too much :)
Software Used:-

Adobe Premier 6 & 6.5
Adobe Photoshop 7
Cool Edit Pro 2.1 (Neglected to mention on Movie...ain't gonna re-encode)
Fast Movie Processor 1.44
Jasc Paint Shop Pro 7
Movie Unreal 436
ULEAD Cool 3D 3.5
Unreal Editor
Unreal Tournament
Fast Movie
XviD Video Codec
Radium MP3 Codec

Track List:-

1. Metallica - St.Anger (Editted in Cool Edit Pro 2.1 to 1:54)
2. Linkin Park - Pushing Me Away
3. Zeromancer - Dr.Online
4. Linkin Park - Faint
5. Tenchi Muyo - Opening Theme


Although this was not as good a movie as I originally intended it to be, tried to emulate some great movies like Fooze, XSU-Gold or Levitation. Lots of flaws were spotted as I became more aware but couldn't be arsed
changing. If I were to make another movie (which hasn't crossed my mind), it will be better than this one.

If I could've been bothered, I'd learn how to encode properly so the movie wouldn't be so damn big...but sod it...you've got it already ;/

Like to say thanks to all of {DnF} & ~P/{L~ for being good fun clans. Thanks to those who I managed to somehow frag, Atari Forums community and err...anyone else I've forgotten :E

Special Thanks to DutchNet for providing servers and a awesome community:-

YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/trixx111
Goodbye and God Bless. o/

- Steve (AKA `Triad-X)